Former ships of the
StarFire Region,
Ring of Fire Fleet

The ships of Honor



Ship Years of Service Class Captain Name
*IKV Black Dagger 1995 to 2005 K'Vort jIl'Qun epetai-E'toH Tom Twohy
IKV Crimson Dagger 1995 to 2003 B'rel Mara sutai-pachDoq Kim James
IKV Death Howl II 1999 to 2001 B'rel qraS sutai-pachDoq Sally Field
IKV Deathshroud 1996? to 2001 B'rel M'Kieo vestai- Michael Boone
IKV Red Phoenix 1999 to 2002 B'rel K'arlina tai-Krell Caroline Meires
IKV River of Blood 1998 to 2001 B'rel Thrax vestai-Krell Ted Davis
IKV Marauder ? to 1998 B'rel   Chris Mackey
IKV Storm Warrior ? to 1998 B'rel Dar'Teala tai-Qrevo'BE Toni Watson
IKV Pursuer ? to 1998 B'rel Karg tai-ta'Kervak Anthony Tredway
IKV Desert Vulture Unknown B'rel   John Stevens
IKV Death Right Unknown B'rel   John Wright
IKV Lotlhwi Unknown B'rel   Debbie Tidwell



All of these ships served with honor in the
StarFire Region.


*In honor of the IKV Black Dagger's long service and commitment, a new Fleet wide award has been created. Created by and approved by the Admiralty of the Ring of Fire Fleet. Fleet Admiral K'Han Den and Vice Admiral KataH

It should be noted that the IKV Black Dagger has been awarded the ra' pov (Command of Excellence) service award on March 1, 2005 and was the first such ship in the StarFire Region of the Ring of Fire Fleet to receive such an award.

The ra' pov (Command of Excellence) service award is only given to those ships whose crews have gone on to form other ships, have shown creativity above and beyond what is demanded, and whose service years have come to an end after 10+ years of service to the Ring of Fire Fleet.

The IKV Black Dagger was one of the most inspiring ships of the time. Formed from members of the IKV Midnight Dagger, The Black Dagger, under jIl'Qun's leadership (Tom Twohy) and it's gallant crew, participated in no less than 50 events over a 10 year period. Most noteworthy was The Feast in Las Vegas and the Aptos 4th of July Parade. All members of the IKV Black Dagger, current and former, should be proud of their accomplishments, the battles they won, the Bloodwine they drank - and they drank more than their share, the dedication and creativity they gave to the Ring of Fire Fleet.


Qapla� to the IKV Black Dagger and its former members who contributed so much to the Ring of Fire Fleet.

Kaptain jIl�Qun epetai-e�toH (Tom Twohy) � Now a member of the IKV Midnight Dagger.

Lt Commander Koll Keg vestai-e�toH (Earl Cole) � Former member of the RoFF.

Lieutenant Sue�La Keg (Sue Cole) � Still active service in another Region.

Lieutenant Q'enn tai-e�toH (Ken Hyland) � Passed away in 2006.

Lieutenant JG q'aylIyn tai-e�toH (Kristy Hyland) � Ken�s Wife. Currently inactive.

Commander qraS sutai-pachDoq (Sally Field) � Passed away in 2007..

Lieutenant K'antar tai-e�toh (Don Buckley) � Former member of the RoFF.

Lieutenant DaraQ (David Barron) � Former member of the RoFF.

Lieutenant QelDoQ (Christine Doyle) � Currently serving aboard the IKV Bloodlust.

Lieutenant B�Qel (Sydney Thomson) � Currently inactive, a member of the IKV Bloodlust.

Lieutenant JG K'mar tai-e�toH (Tery Karvonen) � Currently Inactive and serving aboard the IKV Midnight Dagger.

Lieutenant JG K'harlesss tai-e�toH (Kevin Karvonen) - Former member of the RoFF.
Thanks to qraS, here are three more name;
Lieutenant Qa'toH tai-KorDas (Shirl Roth) - Former member of the RoFF.
Klingon name unknown (Summer Knight) - Former member of the RoFF.
Klingon name unknown (Mette Hedin) - Former member of the RoFF.


If I missed anyone else I am sorry.


Qapla', IKV Black Dagger - A most honored ship and crew.


KataH epetai-Heck'Lher

Regent of StarFire, XO of Ring of Fire Fleet.

A worthy tribute to a fine ship.
Time is the greatest enemy of us all. Glory fades, deeds are forgotten, soon we are but dust in the wind (DON'T start singing that song).

Motat vestai-Heck'Lher